Conrad Gutschein
Conrad - Ihre Plattform für Elektronik und Technik
Der Gutschein wird Ihnen per E-Mail zugeschickt. Der Gutschein ist ab Aktivierung 36 Monate gültig. Einlösbar in allen deutschen Geschäften und online.
Was auch immer Ihr Herz in Sachen Technik und Elektronik begehrt – Conrad hat es. Hier finden Sie alles, was das Leben einfacher, schöner oder viel unterhaltsamer macht. Mit über 750.000 Artikeln bietet Ihnen Conrad für jeden Bedarf eine individuelle Lösung – zum Beispiel in den Bereichen Computer, Multimedia, Werkzeuge, Haus und Garten. Ob Freizeitnutzer oder Technikspezialist – Conrad ist eine Inspiration für alle, die moderne Technik lieben.
Conrad - Your platform for electronics and technology
Whatever your heart desires in terms of technology and electronics — Conrad has it. Here you will find everything that makes life easier, more beautiful or much more entertaining. With over 750,000 articles, Conrad offers you an individual solution for every need — for example in the areas of computers, multimedia, tools, home and garden. Whether leisure user or technology specialist - Conrad is an inspiration for everyone who loves modern technology.
No matter whether you are a pro, a techie, a hobbyist, make a living by running a workshop, are a hardware developer or business customer, when it comes to electronics and household technology, we provide ideas and practical solutions. Around the clock. Choose from a huge range of products, available by mail order, in our retail stores (in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France) and online. Goes without saying that a comprehensive and competent worldwide customer service is an integral part of our package.
Redemption possibility
The voucher is transferable. The card balance and the underlying terms and conditions can be viewed in the German Conrad stores or online.
The credit of the card is not charged. No liability for loss or damage to the card. Gift cards can only be redeemed on or in the German Conrad branches. They are not on other Conrad websites, e.g. redeemable at, etc.
Remaining balance
Partial redemption is possible. Partial amounts remain on the gift card as remaining balance. Return or cash payment is not possible.
Redeeming description
Select desired items onlineor in the store.
In the shopping cart, under Set gift card", enter the 19-digit card number and the 4-digit PIN or present the gift card at the cashier in the store. The credit will be charged immediately with the purchase value. When redeeming installments.